The How-To Series

If you work as a first responder or in healthcare/deathcare, there are millions of skills that you have learned and practiced. But there is not much out there when it comes to doing the work and staying sane.

Each training below is a direct response to themes that we commonly hear. We’ve taken each specific concern and turned it into a webinar, then recorded that for you to access anytime, anywhere. All for the price of one cup of coffee.

Hot damn.

How-To: Talk to your Significant Other About the Hard Days

When you serve as a guardian, it can be challenging to know how much to share when you get home. You don’t want to traumatize your significant other, but it would also be nice if you can describe your day. This training breaks down specific steps for how to share - in a way that you can tailor to your specific relationship and needs.

  • Duration: 22 minutes

  • Cost: $5

How To: Manage the Grumps

Anger (or the grumps) can be a challenging part of first responder relationships. The work can lead to a sense of grumpiness or irritability, which can cause a strain on our significant other. In this 30-minute training we will look at what contributes to the grumps and what we can do about it.

  • Duration: 30 minutes

  • Cost: $5

How To: Transition Home From Shift Without Being an A-Hole

When you come home from a shift, do you feel snappy? Irritated? Tense? You want to connect with your family, but feel like you can't settle down and relax. You don't want to bring the tension of work back home with you, but you can't seem to shake it. You aren't alone.

Transitioning from work to home is a common source of tension for guardians. In this training we will discuss four ways to reset before walking in the door.

  • Duration: 27 minutes

  • Cost: $5

How To: Re-Learn How to Have Fun

It happens to the best of us. Our list of responsibilities grows. Our budgets and schedules get tight. And the fun just fades away.

Don't worry, if I just described you, you aren't alone. But we do need to do something about it, because having fun is core to good mental health. In this training, we walk through some key questions to help you re-discover what "fun" looks like in this phase of your life.

  • Duration: 27 minutes

  • Cost: $5

5 Tips for maximizing actual R&R during your R&R

How To: Get R&R During your R&R

If you are a wildland firefighter, you know that getting actual rest during your off days can feel impossible. We don’t have a magic wand to completely fix the problem, but in this training we discuss some specific steps you can take to help.

  • Duration: 31 minutes

  • Cost: $5

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