bummer, but good job.

It’s never fun to acknowledge when we aren’t doing well, but it takes strength to admit it. So good job taking the first step.

If you’re struggling, take a moment to consider these three areas in order to determine what you need in order to feel better.

These are some of the most common struggles that we hear from clients.

Struggle #1: I can’t chill out.

Guardian work requires that we work well in intense, chaotic situations. Do you ever find that you are perfectly comfortable in a crazy, life-or-death moment, but a complete mess when somewhere “normal” like a family BBQ?

Or do you have an afternoon to relax and you just can’t settle down? You feel antsy and uncomfortable, and increasingly frustrated about it?

We hear this a lot. It is an unfortunate side effect of the work, and can be miserable for you and the people around you.

Struggle #2: I’m feeling really flat and burnt out.

You probably got into your career with a desire to help others. To serve your community.

But the reality of the work and the grind of serving the public can be exhausting. Do you find yourself snappy and uncaring? Overly annoyed by stuff that wasn’t a big deal?

When you drive to work, do you dread what you might deal with? Are you sick of leadership and politics? Burnout is real and it can be so discouraging.

Struggle #3: I’ve lost myself.

Far too often we get a blank stare when we ask “what do you do for fun.” When responsibilities increase, it is easy to lose track of who we are and what we enjoy. “Fun” seems unnecessary in the face of our to-do list.

When is the last time you did something you enjoyed, just for the fun of it? How often do you prioritize the needs of others over yourself?

Has life changed? Kids, promotions, financial needs - they can all change us and we can lose ourselves in that transition.

Feeling depressed yet?

Sorry. Sometimes it can be hard to look at the reality. But nothing can change if we don’t get honest about it. Good news though. We’ve got practical, straightforward ways to help with these struggles.

On-Demand Training

We’ve built a seven-module training program that breaks down the key struggles we consistently see, and helps you build an individualized plan for taking care of yourself.

You can watch it anywhere, on your own time.

Skills Coaching

We all need a little help sometimes. Built on top of our on-demand training, our skills coaching program helps you identify exactly what you need. Taking good care of your mental health is a skill, and most of us weren’t ever taught how. We can help.

EMDR Trauma Intensives

We’ve all seen the statistics, if you work in a guardian role, your exposure to trauma multiplies extensively. Our EMDR intensives are designed to dig in and work through that trauma, reducing PTSD symptoms, emotional reactivity, and more.

Bottom Line: Don’t wait to take action. Mental health doesn’t magically improve.

Just like physical health, it takes effort and a plan. So giddyup buttercup.